Friday, January 29, 2010

Article Summary #6

“Forget the Tablet — Apple Needs to Rebuild iTunes”

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On the 28th of January, Apple will be releasing details about the new tablet called the Apple “iPad”. While some people are really excited about the release of this supposedly ground breaking device, some wish that Apple would focus on a program that is already out – Apple iTunes. iTunes is Apples primary content channel that allows playing media, syncing with the iPhone, video playback and purchasing media. iTunes has so many problems though, some people think that Apple should focus on having a “from –the-ground-up rebuild” of iTunes. iTunes has several problems, including slow start up time especially on Windows and the fact that iTunes is barely making money, and breaking even month after month in terms of profit revenue. With the release of the “iPad”, Apple hopes that this will increase sales and profit from iTunes because the iPad will also be using iTunes to sync. In this article, one of the reasons that it says iTunes doesn’t make as much money as it should is because 95% of the music that is downloaded, is downloaded illegally and Apple is coming up with a way to regulate this way of getting music. Apple recently bought a music downloading company called “Lala”, which is an inexpensive and innovative way to download music. Apple hopes that this purchase will sway music downloader’s away from illegally downloading, and purchasing music online legally.

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