Monday, January 25, 2010

Freewriting #1

My earliest childhood memory is when I used to live in Beavercreek Ohio. I used to live in the friendliest neighborhood ever. There were so many kids and so many families that all were middle class, safe and fun to be around. My two best friends were Erica walker and Chris tongue. I must have been around 5 years old and I would see them every day. I wasn’t in either of their classes – I can’t remember why but I remember running off the school bus, throwing my stuff in my house and running over to Chris’ house. He had this little play house kind of thing in his garage and we would pretend we were flying in it, and going crazy places. He also had this tree house in his back yard that now I know must have been condemned because that thing was so unsafe. We never actually got inside of it, we were always to scared. We would make it up the ladder and just as were about to get in we would freak out and run away. Erica was of course a girl so we never really did the same kind of things that Chris and myself did. We would actually pretend we were lions and we would crawl around the floor of my house sipping cups of water and weird stuff like that. I am pretty sure I had a huge crush on her, but I don’t really remember how I felt back then. I just remember always wanting to be around her. I think 5 is way too early to start liking girls so I’m pretty sure it wasn’t anything like that, but now it would be really interesting to see where she is now. I think I’m going to facebook her right after these 10 minutes are up. We lost contact after I moved away from Ohio and I have no idea where she is now. That’s probably the oldest memory I have. Just being with my two best friends at time, playing make believe and doing stuff I have no idea why we did. We would go on adventures to the store down the street which for a 5 year old was a huge thing and every time I got back my dad would yell at me because I was never allowed to go there. I had this little red bike that I would ride around in circles in my neighborhood and see who I could find to play with. I remember the house that I lived in perfectly. It’s almost like I have been back there since I left, but I definitely haven’t. It’s been probably around 15 years since I have been there. My elementary school was Parkwood elementary school.

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