Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Freewriting #2B

The three events that made a significant impact on my life in chronological order are as follows, going to see air shows, growing up in a military family and finally receiving and Army ROTC Scholarship to attend mason. When I was younger, all I wanted to be was a fighter pilot or/and a soldier. From as far back as I can remember, I would go to the library and just grab stacks and stacks of books on fighter jets. That really was my life goal, and that’s really what motivated me through the hard times I would have in grade school. As a part of this goal, my dad was in the Air force so I grew up on military bases and receiving the benefits that military family gets. This really is one of the most significant events of my life. I loved growing up and moving around the nation while being financially secure. That’s really one of the reasons that I have chosen to go military today, I want to continue down that path of having all the benefits and living the life of a service member. Lastly, I always knew I wanted to be in the military but I didn’t know which service to enter or which path I wanted to take. After high school, I started applying for air force rotc scholarships, and during the process was a eye examination. I found out that I was slightly red/green deficient during this exam, and that’s when it hit me that I was never going to be a pilot. In fact I remember the eye doctor told me straight up – you will never be a pilot. This was completely devastating for me, I remember getting back home and just breaking down. It was my lifelong goal to be a pilot, and in a second it was all over. Around the same time I was applying for Army ROTC scholarships and that’s when I realized that my other dream of becoming a soldier was about to come true.

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