Monday, January 25, 2010

Freewriting #2A

Three people that have had a significant impact on my career goals are my dad, General Stanley Mcchrystal (Google him) and Mayor Michael Bloomberg. My dad is the hardest working person I know. Coming to another country with no possessions and creating an empire for me and my family to benefit from. He came way back in the 70s, enlisted in the Air force to get his citizenship then worked his way through an electrical engineering degree, then became a Communications officer in the Air force. After going through grad school and earning his PhD. he worked his way up through the workforce and became a senior level Air force officer eventually retiring in 2000 with over 20 years of active duty service. After his air force career he started a whole new one, working for defense contractors, NASA and a whole bunch of other companies in the DC area. Meanwhile, since the early 90s he has also been full time faculty at the University of Maryland. He has been working two full time jobs and still been making time for his family. He never let anything get in his way, and that’s what I admire so much about him. Even though he has had such a successful career, he is also such a family oriented person. Even today he is still such a big part of my life and he will continue to be. Working two fulltime jobs but still making time to for us, things like going on family vacations more than most people do, always being lenient with me and my sister when it comes to house rules and giving us enough to appreciate things, but not enough to be spoiled. Someday, when I have a family I hope I will be like this to. Placing a huge importance on my career, but also placing my family in the front seat along side with me.
The second person who has made a serious impact on my career decision is General Stanley Mcchrystal. He is the commanding general of the International Security Assistance Force, which is helping to rid Afghanistan of Taliban forces. He is a four star general, which is the highest rank a military officer can achieve. This man sleeps four hours a night, and eats one meal a day to stay sharp. He is a Special Forces officer, Army Ranger and above all, an amazing leader. Now why would I idolize someone like that? No, I’m not crazy hardcore –shoot ‘em up and take names, but the fact that this man had dedicated his life to the US Army and has proven himself at all levels of command is what impresses me. To be a Special Forces officer, you have to be the best and this man shows it. The level of commitment and love for his country that he must have is astonishing and one can only admire his many feats as an Army officer.
The third person that is inspiring me to be what I want to be, is Mayor Michael Bloomberg. He is the current Mayor of New York city and currently ranked the 8th richest man in America. One thing that many people don’t know is that he is an electrical engineering major from Johns Hopkins University. This shows that once you get an engineering degree, you really can do whatever you want. And once you get the degree, countless doors of opportunity open up for you and you really don’t have to be stuck behind a desk with a calculator and graphing paper. The discipline that he showed during engineering probably gave him the confidence that he needed so that he knew he could do anything he wanted to in the world and that the sky is the limit and there is nothing holding him back except for himself. He is one of the most successful businessmen in America, even though he has his education in Engineering. This story of opportunity and success is what inspires me to keep pushing through and never give up.

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