Sunday, February 28, 2010

#5 State of Your Research Prospectus (freewrite, 10 minutes)

My research question/topic is “Could Americans today live without the internet?” I plan on going into detail as to how deeply embedded the internet is in today’s society. I will give specific examples as to how the internet affects our everyday lives and how the world would be today without the internet. Honestly this is a very new topic, as I just thought of it a couple minutes ago. My previous research topic on the International Space Station was going nowhere so I had to abandon ship and ditch that topic. I think with this topic, I will be able to elaborate well on everyday life processes that involve the net, and I think I will be able to portray a detailed image of what life would be like without it. This would be intended for both people in the technical field that use the internet on a daily basis, and for those people who are casual internet users. Mostly it will be for the people who let the internet consume their lives, and are lost without it. As many people don’t know though, almost everything today is linked together somehow. Processes that you would never think require an internet connection use them for many purposes in which I will go into in the paper. I think this is a good topic, however I am unsure how technical I should go with it and if my audience should be focused on someone else.

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