Saturday, February 6, 2010

Week 2, Freewriting #4

My research topic is uncovering the reason behind building the International Space Station. The International Space Station is an internationally collaborative effort that is focused on scientific exploration and advancement in the field of Space studies. My goal is to explore the reason why so many countries have contributed to this huge program. A possible question you could ask is
• Why do we even have the International Space Station(ISS)?
o The ISS is on the leading edge of scientific discoveries and advancements. Research is being done in materials science, plant biology and being weightless.
• Which countries contribute the most to the ISS?
o The United States and Russia contribute the most to the ISS.
• When was it put into space and when will it be completed?
o The first section of the ISS was put into orbit in 1998, and has been continuing to receive structural updates until 2003.

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