Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Week 2, Freewriting #2

I can’t believe I am writing about what I’m passionate about. Its not that I don’t know, it’s just that I have never been asked to say it before. I would like to say that I am passionate about a lot of things, but really there are only a few things that get my blood boiling and get me motivated. First is music, I am 100% passionate about it. I really don’t know why, its something about a good song that I just can’t get enough of. Tom Petty’s – “Mary Jane’s Last Dance” is one of the songs that could break me down. When I am playing guitar, I don’t have a care or worry in the world. When I am jamming hard to my favorite tune, its like all the problems in the world just go away and it’s just me, my guitar and the music. Music can influence and change people, and it really is some people’s lifeline. My second passion is working hard. I know cliché. But seriously, when I have a task or when I am working hard on a problem/issue/ anything really, I feel so alive. I apply this passion to every aspect of my life, engineering school, working out, running, doing well in ROTC and being the best person I can be. If you always have a drive to succeed then, you stay focused and stay on the right path. Working hard also provides you with the perfect excuse to relax hard. I firmly believe in work hard- play hard. You can be successful even if you do go out every once in awhile. I hate people who think that it’s bad if I go out on Friday or Saturday nights, because I should be inside alone in my room doing work. Hard work constitutes having a good time. I have been packing my life with so many activities and I have trying to be successful at all of them, and if I didn’t have this passion it would never work out.

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