Sunday, February 14, 2010

Article Summary #13
Wi-Fi rides to wireless networks' rescue
Marguerite Reardon
As technology advances, the need for a quicker and more reliable wireless network increases. The current 3G and 4G networks are being overloaded with an extreme amount of data needing to be processed. As more and more portable electronic devices are utilizing wireless networks, immense strain is being put on them. A short term solution to this bandwidth problem is the use of Wi-Fi networks. In places like New York City where thousands and thousands of wireless users are constantly trying to connect to the internet, Wi-Fi would be a more practical solution. Each block of NYC’s busy street corner could be emplaced with a Wi-Fi router.
AT&T is taking advantage of the Wi-Fi networks and currently offers its customers with Hotspot packages that allow their users to connect to AT&T Hotspots to connect to the internet. A recent survey done indicates that 43% of Smartphone users have connected to an AT&T hotspot at least once and in 2009 four times as many people used AT&T hotspots than in 2008. One of the biggest benefits of Wi-Fi is the fact that most recent portable devices have Wi-Fi capabilities. Almost all Laptops and Smartphone come with wireless network cards that allow them to pick up wireless network signals. Another benefit of Wi-Fi is the new release of the 802.11n technology that increases the range and speed of the current version, 802.11g, by over three times.
With the increase in wireless users, the need for networks that can handle the increased capacity is needed and Wi-Fi is offering a helping hand to the bogged down wireless networks.

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