Sunday, February 28, 2010

Set #5, Freewriting #2

#2 Open Topic (freewrite, 10 minutes)

This is the last week before spring break, and honestly I can’t wait for it. I have three exams this week and once I am done with them, I AM OUT. My plans for spring break are going down to Myrtle Beach, SC for a week with about 20 friends of mine. It is definitely going to be a good time; I just have to make it through this week first. I have two exams on Thursday and one on Friday. The one on Friday I am really not worrying about at all, it’s for HIST 100 and it’s an essay test on pretty much any topic we want. The two on Thursday I am kind of freaking out about though. The week we get back, I have two exams also. The thing is, I really want to go to Myrtle and forget about school for awhile so I can recharge and drive on with the rest of the semester. This is my last semester I have to work like crazy because the Army only looks at your first three years of college. Once you become a senior your “profile” is already sent to Cadet Command and all you have to do is wait for your assignment, and graduate. Anyways, back to the original point, this week is going to be dedicated to nothing but studying and working. I have to do excellent on all three exams. I know when I am sitting on the beach drinking a virgin daiquiri; I will be glad that I worked extra hard because it will only make my relaxation time even more rewarding. I should probably start thinking about my essay topic for HIST 100 though, because if I am too complacent about it, it might backfire and I might end up not getting an A+ on it. Its classes like those, I feel I have to excel in because it’s one of the few chances I get to have interesting lectures about stuff that actually matters. The teacher is so into the class lecture, and she really gets the entire class involved which is something that engineering classes definitely lack.

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