Sunday, February 21, 2010

Free Writing Exercise #1, Week 4

My goals as a write and researcher are pretty standard. I want to be able to express my thoughts on paper, and be able to portray my ideas to the rest of the world. As far as for ENGL 302, I really want to be able to improve my research skills and be able to narrow down topics to specifically what I am looking for. I think I have a decent writing style, but I definitely need to be able to elaborate on what I am saying. I have been told in the past that the sentences I have are good, but I jump around from topic to topic and never really explain one topic fully. I definitely want to fix that, because I know exactly where my old English teacher was coming from. As far as engineering is concerned, there isn’t a whole lot of writing that is involved. The assignments we have and the work that we have to do, don’t involve essays or most of the time even a written explanation as to what has been done. One engineering professor once told me that engineers need to be able to express themselves well on paper, but he never gave us a chance to improve this, or even show this. For my career goals, I know that I will have to be able to write official documents using official grammar and verbiage. In fact once I get higher in the ranks, I will be judged based off how well I can communicate to people higher in command. This will hopefully not be to much of a challenge because I think with the job you gain invaluable experience that I cannot foresee at this moment in time. For myself personally I really just want to be able to express myself better and show the world what I am thinking. I have lots of crazy thoughts in my head, and if I could only channel them a little better, I think I could influence a lot of people. The program that I am in doesn’t lend itself to much writing so I have to take every opportunity I can to improve my skills. This class will hopefully be useful in my quest for writing effectively.

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