Friday, February 19, 2010

Observation and Description Exercise: One Hour of Uninterrupted Listening (250-500 words)

For this free writing exercise I chose to sit in McDonalds after my Friday morning Physical Training session. It was around 8:45 am when I got in and I had very nice breakfast with a bunch of Army buddies. Once they were done eating, I decided to stick around and do my free writing exercise. Once my friends left, I went to the corner and arranged myself so that I had a good view of the restaurant and prepared to observe. The first couple minutes were a little weird; I’m not going to lie. I felt this sense of wasting time, like I could be doing other things. I soon realized that this was part of the class and to do this assignment I was going to have to sit there for an hour. After that first thought, I started observing the people that were coming in and out of the restaurant. One thing I noticed was the fact that the crowd in McDonalds was very diverse. There was people was all sorts of people from every economic class. From construction workers about to head out for a hard days work, to upper-middle class people wearing suits and ties about to go sit in an executive office with an amazing view. It was pretty cool actually how many different types of people were in there. It’s one of the very few places that I can think of that can attract people as diverse as I witnessed. Whether you make $20,000 or $200,000, you could still be seen in the McDonalds line ordering a Big Breakfast with Hot Cakes and a Medium coffee, one cream, one sugar of course. I was actually quite taken back at the fact that I have never noticed this before. I guess I never really took the time to notice the people, places and things around me. McDonalds was a pretty busy place in the morning hour that I was there, and I can’t really imagine what my mind would be going through if there weren’t as many people that came in and out. One hour of complete segregation with no one there will have to wait till next time.

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