Saturday, February 6, 2010

Week 2, Freewriting #5

I have never really been asked to talk about my learning styles before this class. I can’t believe I haven’t though, because it seems very important and I have been “learning” most of my life but never asked how I learn. From looking at the list, and taking the quiz I have been put into the categories of sequential and intuitive. I think I learn the best when teachers are organized, so I can linearly follow their train of thought. When teachers prepare for their lecture I can tell, and it helps me to go back over my notes and prepare myself. I also like concepts and theories rather than details and little things that mess me up. When listening to lectures, I really do listen for key points and the overall concept of the information that is being told. I tend to write down everything that a teacher says, but I don’t really get anything out of it until I sit and think about it either in class or after class. The problem is, in engineering we are tested on little details and not over all concepts which really messes me up. When doing problems on either homework or tests I try to focus on the big idea and underlying concept rather than the numbers and values. This gets me into lots of trouble because my field of study really does rely on accurate numbers and precise calculations.

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