Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Week 2, Freewriting #1

The most recent dream that I can remember having is unfortunately not a very pleasant one. I remember it like it actually happened yesterday. I remember I was riding in the passenger seat of my friend’s car, when all the sudden his phone rings. His facial expression changed immediately and I knew it was something serious. He was on the phone for a couple minutes and I knew something terrible had happened. When he hung up the phone, he said “Dude, friends name just died.” I was like whattttt? How? When? Why? All these things came into my mind. She has been one of my best friends since freshman year, and I couldn’t believe she actually died. I found out later that she died in a car crash going back home to MD. I couldn’t believe it, and I remember still being in shock for awhile while we were driving around. The crazy part was after a little while, we got back to campus and I remember running into her dorm room and trying to find her roommates, who also knew about the tragedy. Then I remember going to her boyfriend and giving him a big hug while he cried on my shoulder. She really was like the coolest girl ever and it was so weird, because even though it was a dream, it felt so weird. I remember actually shooting awake at 4:47 am, freaked out as heck and hoping she was ok. Then, the next morning I saw her and I was relieved to find out that she was ok and that it was definitely just a dream. It did freak me out how real it seemed and why she was in my dream out of all the other people I know. I hope the saying the dreams predict the future isn’t true because that would really suck if it did.

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