Sunday, February 7, 2010

Article Summary #9
Tough calls ahead for Google's Nexus One plans
by Tom Krazit
Google’s new Nexus One debuted last month, and sales of the Smartphone had no chance at beating out the obvious competitor, the Apply iPhone. The Nexus one outranks the iPhone 3GS, which is Apples most advanced Smartphone, according to CNET Editors. The lack of sales doesn’t scare Google, because Google has a new and different objective. Google’s objective is to challenge and change the multi-billion dollar mobile phone business by selling its phones directly to the customer, without having to go through a service provider. Google hopes to one day create an open market for phones and carriers. This new way of trying to sell phones is something that Google hopes to be the leader of. According to Andy Rubin of Google, “revolutions take time” which means that it might take awhile for other phone companies to catch on to this new marketing trend. The phone is currently offered through T-mobile, and has customers sign a two year contract, or you can buy it directly from Google. Google has to convince customers that buying directly from them is beneficial because of the simplicity involved with transitioning to the Nexus One. So far, after the first month of its release, Google is overwhelmed by customer service issues involving shipping delays and glitches. Customer Service is something that Google is new to, because of the previous nature of Google products. We will have to see if Google can turn around their business model to produce a consumer product that can satisfy the public, while continuing to produce a profit.

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