Sunday, February 21, 2010

Free Writing Exercise #2, Week 4

The strengths that I feel I bring to the table for my career are the ability to work with people well, a never quite attitude, physical ability and perseverance. From now until forever, we are going to be working with people, and the better you can work with people the more successful you will be. A caveat to that would be the ability to work well with very diverse kinds of people. I think going to mason is good for that because of the level of diversity that mason offers. Being in ROTC offers you invaluable leadership experience, and I think being a good leader is also being a good follower so in ROTC you get many chances to be both.
I think having to tackle both ROTC and Engineering has really taught me a lot about myself. I find that I am really self motivated and that all I need to do to start getting things done is to start executing the task. I am not saying that I am always super motivated to get work done, but I feel that I have a fire inside of me that just wont go out and that I can never stop working because of the constant struggle to succeed.
Being physically fit is most of the time not a trait that people would think of when talking about future career goals. However, in the Army it is essential to a successful career. In fact if you are physically fit in the Army, you will separate yourselves from your peers greatly. Your commander will always look at you in a different light, because he realizes that you work hard to stay fit. Being fit is not a gift or trait you are born with; it’s the result of hard work, dedication and perseverance which brings me to my next point.
Perseverance is another trait that I feel I am strong at. It takes a lot to keep going when the going gets tough. I live by the following saying, “When the going gets tough, the tough get going”. For some reason I really relate to it. I know exactly how it is to be in situation where I want to quit, but I keep going and in the end I am successful.

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