Sunday, February 28, 2010

Set #5, Freewriting #4

#2 Open Topic (freewrite, 10 minutes)

For this free writing exercise we are to write about anything we want for 10 minutes. That wouldn’t be too hard, but considering I just finished the last “write about anything you want” exercise I might have to think a little about this one. The cold weather is kind of getting old, and I can’t wait till it’s warm again. The winter has been fun though, lots of memories and good times. This summer is most likely going to be pretty exciting; I have a month of training in Ft. Lewis, WA and then hopefully I’ll be attending airborne school at Ft. Benning, GA. The Airborne slot is not guaranteed but I’m pretty sure I will be able to snag a slot. That will be awesome because I have always wanted to go Airborne and if I get that slot, then I will be double stacked because last summer I went to the US Army Air Assault School at Ft. Knox, KY. Air Assault is a lot harder than Airborne and also a lot harder to get, so I am glad that I got Air Assault last summer when I did because most likely you will not get a slot unless you are assigned to an Air Assault unit which there are only a couple in the entire army. I could talk for days about the Army, but my ten minutes is up so I think I’ll stop.

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