Sunday, February 21, 2010

Free Writing Exercise #5, Week 4

So these past couple weeks have been pretty interesting. They have been really hard, but also really fun. Last week I had to be at mason by 6 am every morning for Physical Training, and I definitely felt it by the end of the week. After 3 days of training, I could barely sit down I was so sore. Thursday was fun because we played dodge ball and everyone had a good time, but then Friday was followed by another smoke session. I guess you could say I am ready for this week, I have two major assignments to turn in but for some reason, I am really not stressing out about it. I guess ROTC and Engineering have taught me to not freak out, and to accept hard work as a constant in a successful life. I actually found that my weekly planner book that I picked up at a kiosk in the JC has been a lifesaver. I forgot it at a table this past week, but thankfully a friend of mine was there to hold onto it till I met up with him later. I realized how much I actually use that thing, and without it my life would be lost. I write so much stuff in there, whether its due dates, assignments I have to complete or things that I have to do, everything is written in that little book. When I am done with an assignment, I cross it out really hard to relieve some stress and have the feeling of closure and completion. I find that it really helps to write everything on your mind out because when you don’t it just feels like you have a cloud of things to do and you freak out about it because you can single anything out and do it, you just have the feeling of a lot of work. With the planner, you know exactly what needs to get done and when it is due. When you see each thing individually you can better plan your time out and meet time hacks and it definitely makes your life easier.

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