Sunday, February 21, 2010

Free Writing Exercise #4, Week 4

On my trip here to school, I definitely was trying to drive as fast as possible. I have this problem I guess you could say, that I always want to pass people on the road even if they are speeding themselves. So that was a big part of my trip like always. For some reason I notice that if I catch one red light, I am plagued with red lights for the entire trip. If, however I pass the first light and its green, ill be good to go for the entire trip. I am really not sure if the lights are designed that way or what, but it seems to hold true every time. Sometimes I am really close, and ill have to speed through a yellow avoid the 15 reds that I get if I don’t keep going. I also notice the cemetery that I pass every time I drive by it. It always gets to me when I see people visiting, because of the mood that they must be feeling right then. I have to admit if I whipped around someone going to slow in the left lane, and looked at them angrily, and then I saw them turn into the cemetery, I would feel horrible. Whenever I pass by the cemetery I always feel sad/taken back/uncomfortable because I realize that one day I will have to bury the people I love, and if I am not lucky enough, they might have to bury me. After the cemetery there is a line of nothing but houses lining the street on both sides. Then comes mason, I enter mason where the electronic billboard is and always go as fast as possible around that curve that gets me into Lot A. I almost never park in Lot A, but for some reason I find myself entering mason at that entrance always. From there I either go to Lot J, or Rappahannock river which is the best on Tuesdays and Thursdays because I have my first and last class in the lecture hall which is right there so its perfect.

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