Saturday, February 6, 2010

Week 2, Freewriting #6

This semester has been going decently so far. I am taking more credit hours than I ever have before, so it’s definitely proving to take a toll on me. I have to get up really early every day of the week and once I’m up, I’m ok but it’s kind of hard rolling out of bed at 5 am. I just have a lot of things on my plate and it’s hard to pack it all in my schedule. It’s weird, when I’m not doing anything I feel guilty like I should be working 24/7. I think I’ll be ok though. For the first time ever, I got stuck in the snow. It wasn’t as exciting as I thought it was going to be. After about 2 hours of trying to get unstuck I gave up. Its right in front my house, but it’s in the middle of the street so hopefully my neighbors don’t have any plans to go anywhere anytime soon because I’m not planning on digging it out again until the snow melts which might be awhile. I was surprised to see that most of the side streets haven’t been plowed yet, and the streets are pretty much impassable. I when on a drive this morning to get back home and I was driving through like champ until I got stuck in front of my house. This one guy, in a little Toyota was flying down the street and I don’t know how he was doing it because I was barely staying in control even with my Tonka Truck. Northern Virginia has been trampled by the most snow I have ever seen. I went out and played in the snow and it’s easily two feet high. I am thinking we will get at least a week of classes off. Fairfax County has already cancelled classes so we definitely should not have classes on Monday, or even Tuesday.

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